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6º Conciertos pedagógicos. 2016

Hoy día 6 de abril, los chicos y chicas de 6º hemos acudido a un concierto en la sala Mozart, donde hemos podido escuchar diversas piezas interpretadas por la orquesta Enigma. Nos ha gustado muchísimo.

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In primary year 4, we have created our own news.

22-3-2016     In primary year 4, we have created our own news. We have been working as journalists, analysing articles and then, creating our own news. Haven´t you heard of them? Terrorist attacks, aliens coming, the Asinez Factory fire… lots of news and great reporters! I am sure they will keep us informed! En cuarto, hemos...

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4º E. Primaria.Creativity is very important nowadays

Creativity is very important nowadays. It is easy to be creative: you only need two names and one preposition. Rodari called it the «fantastic binomial». Now, we have some amazing stories about flying burguers, writers who admire each other or magical caves with hidden treasures. Congrats to all our «literacy writers» in Primary year 4.  La...

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